How many kg biryani for 30 person

How many kg biryani for 30 person

How many kg biryani for 30 person can vary depending on serving size and appetite. However, as a general guideline, you can estimate the quantity based on an average serving size of around 250 grams (0.25 kg) per person.

So, for 30 people, you would need approximately: 

30 people x 0.25 kg/person = 7.5 kg of biryani

People calculate biryani differently according to their region and area, here we talk about the weight of cooked biryani, which means if I tell 1 kg of biryani that means in 1 kg you will get cooked rice and chicken piece in it.

 It’s always a good idea to have some extra servings to accommodate individual preferences and to ensure that everyone is satisfied.

If you are serving biryani to children, you may want to reduce the amount per person. Children typically eat less than adults.

It is also important to consider the type of biryani you are serving. Some biryanis, such as Hyderabadi biryani, are more rice-heavy than others. If you are serving a rice-heavy biryani, you may want to increase the amount of rice per person.

Here is a breakdown of how much biryani you will need for different numbers of people:

How many kg biryani for 30 people or a bulk group?

Biryani per personBiryani in kg
Biryani For 10 person2 – 2.5 kg
Biryani For 20 person4 – 5 kg
Biryani For 30 person6 -7.5  kg
Biryani For 40 person8 – 10 kg
Biryani For 50 person10 – 12.50kg

How many people can eat 1 kg biryani?

On average, 1 kg of biryani can typically serve around 4 to 6 people as a main course. This assumes that each person will have a moderate portion size. If the biryani is part of a larger meal with other dishes, it may serve more people as part of a shared meal.

1 person = 200 – 250gm of biryani

If add children

1 child = 100-150gm of biryani

So, if we talk about 1 kg biryani = 4 to 6 person

It’s important to note that individual eating habits and preferences can vary, so the number of people who can be served by 1 kg of biryani might differ in practical scenarios. To be more precise, you can consider the portion sizes of the people you are serving and adjust the quantity accordingly.

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